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Training - why is it important?

To be a successful in international trade, eithrt as an importer or anexporter. You need more than a smart import / export department, you need resources and experitise to keep you upto date with regulatory changes and how your business needs to operate.

You need people pr support in all areas of your business who understand importing, exporting and wider regulatory controls. Woodward Trade Consulting can be part of your externa; support team and provide exprtise where needed.

Now is a great time for UK business to think about training, expesically with government grants that can take the burden of any training costs that could be incurred.

Also grants are available from the Department of Industry & Trade

Areas where training could be focused for any business:

Sales teams - Your sales team is undoubtedly a crucial part of making your business run, but if they aren’t educated on importing and exporting, they may be making promises to customers they may not be able to keep.

Incoterms - determine if the importer or exporter is responsible for specific parts of the export journey, including who is paying for what and when does liability for the goods transfer.

Customs Duty - Depending on the Incoterms they are being used using, ignoring the tariff classification could cost you money if your company is responsible for customs clearance in the country of import.

Export Controls - Not every product made can be exported without restrictions. While items with specific military application are the most obvious examples, even some goods manufactured for commercial purposes can be controlled.

Rules of Origin - critical to understand originating status of your products and whether any preferential duty rate could apply to your products.

Business management buy in - like all areas of your business, it’s the people at the top of the company who set the priorities and model the attitude your company's employees will develop toward exporting. If the top executives are not fully behind an export initiative, it will not have the time or resources necessary for success.

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