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On Demand Consulting

Woodward Trade Consulting Ltd On Demand Consulting Service is a
subscription based service to fulfil your international trade consultancy needs.


This service is designed for companies that have limited resources, limited headcount or do not want to be tied into long contractual consultancy contracts.


This service assists your current resources and helps companies understand international trade requirements that apply to their business. 

On Demand Consultancy: Welcome
Standing Meeting

On Demand Consultancy Packages

On Demand Consultancy: Projects

Gold Package

Silver Package

Bronze Package


The gold subscription package consists of 40 hours consultancy for the price of £6,000.

The silver subscription package consists of 20 hours consultancy for the price of £3,600.

The bronze subscription package consists of 10 hours consultancy for the price of £2,000.



The On Demand Consulting solution allows clients to purchase blocks of consultancy hours to support their business needs.  This provides the ability to utilise professional international trade support, when it is required.


With the ever changing regulatory landscape especially in a post brext world, this can prove invaluable when entering into uncertain waters.  Allowing clients to navigate through such times with extensive expertise and experience within international trade.



On Demand Consultancy: Text
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